01 Jul MusicMap Relaunches!
Discover the world one track at a time with MusicMap.
MusicMap is a dedicated platform for independent music talent from every corner of the globe, created to satisfy an increasing interest in the hyperlocal. Built by a team in Barcelona with assistance from DJs, writers and producers from the UK, Germany, China, South Korea, Brazil, USA, Italy, Mexico and further afield, MusicMap brings artists together and champions new music, while uncovering trends, scenes and collectives on every continent.
Our Insiders: We chat to our growing network of musos and get an insight into their stomping grounds.
Interactive Map! Not sure what you are looking for? Give our interactive map a spin and be spontaneous.
Playlists: From Japan to Mexico, NY to London, check out 5 tracks from each of our locations.
MusicMap has already been bringing value to brands ands services around the world. With our focus on hyperlocal and bespoke music supervision, you will hear our track selections in flagship retail stores, airline entertainment systems and activating influencer programmes. Want more info? E-mail us today.